Workflow dias & video

I begyndelsen var billedet, "Michael" af Lotte Kjøller,

Akryl på lærred, 2,40 x 1 m uden ramme, 2017

In the beginning was the picture, "Michael"

by Lotte Kjoeller,   Acrylic on canvas, 2.40 x 1 m without frame, 2017

Her kan du se video og dias om Billedkunstner Lotte Kjøllers Arbejdsproces:

Here you can watch video and slides about Visual Artist Lotte Kjøller's Work Process:

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Dokumentation om billedkunstner Lotte Kjøllers arbejdsproces vedrørende tilblivelsen af maleriet "Michael", Akryl på lærred, 2,40 x 1 m, der blev malt over sommer og efterår 2017 sammen med "Båret" 2 x 1 m og "Stjernehimlen" 1,80 x 1 m for senere at blive udstillet i vARTe Kunsthal. De 3 malerier hører sammen med lyd og video. Det hele til sammen hedder: I begyndelsen var billedet.

Arbejdsprocessen for Michael dokumenteres gennem dias og processen er temmelig normal i forhold til alle Lotte Kjøllers værker bort set fra at Michael er stor og opdelt. Michael og de 2 andre malerier er så store at de vil kunne bruges som, og er et eksempel på Lotte Kjøllers udsmykninger. Disse værker kan sammen eller hver for sig blive en glimrende udstilling til et stort sted eller en udsmykning til et større sted. På denne måde kan hun lave udstillinger og udsmykninger der passer til det sted de skal være. Til malerierne hører lyd og derfor er Arbejdsproces 4 en video med lyd.

Klik på nedenstående link for at se video og diasshow om Michaels tilblivelse:

Dias om maleriet "Michael" ved Isefjorden. Slide about the painting "Michael" at the coastline near  Isefjord, DK.

Dias med maleriet "Michael" i Atelier Dias with the painting "Michael" in Lotte Kjoellers studio Atelier

Dias med maleriet "Michael" til indramning. Dias with the painting "Michael" for framing.

  • "Arbejdsproces 4 / Work Process 4"
  • Video om installationen "I begyndelsen var billedet" med bl.a malerierne "Stjernehimlen", "Michael" og "Båret" i Kunsthal vARTe med Alfredo Moreleons lyd. Video about the installation "At the beginning was the picture" with the paintings "Stjernehimlen", "Michael" and "Båret" in  vARTe Exhibitionhall with Alfredo Moreleon's sound.

  • "Arbejdsproces 5 / Work Process 5"
  • Video med lyd med musik - event i Lotte Kjøllers installation "I begyndelsen var billedet" med med bl.a malerierne "Stjernehimlen", "Michael" og "Båret". Lyd Komponist Alfredo Moreleon. Guitar Lars.

Video with audio with music - Event in Lotte Kjøller's installation "At the beginning was the picture" included, among other things, the "Star Sky", "Michael" and "Wear" paintings. Sound Composer Alfredo Moreleon. Guitar Lars.


Documentation about visual artist Lotte Kjoeller's work process on the creation of the painting "Michael", Acrylic Canvas, 2.40 x 1 m, painted over summer and autumn 2017 along with "Carried" 2 x 1 m and "Starry Sky" 1.80 x 1m for later to be exhibited in the Exhibitionhall VARTe. The 3 paintings are associated with audio and video. All together is called: In the beginning was the picture.

The work process for Michael is documented through slide and the process is quite normal compared to all of Lotte Kjoeller's works, except that Michael is big and divided. Michael and the other 2 paintings are so big that they could be used as and is an example of Lotte Kjoeller's decorations. These works together or individually can be an excellent exhibition for a big place or a decor to a larger place. In this way she can make exhibitions and decorations to suit the place they are supposed to be. For the paintings, sound is heard and therefore, Work Process 4 and 5 is a video with sound.

"I begyndelsen var billedet" af Lotte Kjøller, installation, "Michael" ses til højre. Kunsthal vARTe, Varde 2018

"In the beginning was the picture" by Lotte Kjøller, installation, "Michael" is seen to the right. VARTe Exhibitionhall, Varde 2018
